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Revelation 1

The book of revelation 1 shows us the things that are yet to come at the end of time as Jesus spoke to the churches through the prophecy of John. Read the poem below

Revelation 1
Mysteries left unveiled
In words, John wrote in scriptures
Things yet to come before and after rapture
Words of prophecy, that would never fail

The time is at hand
John says to the seven churches bound
Grace be unto you from the seven spirits
Peace from him who'd soon pay the earth visit

Jesus, only child from a virgin's birth
Faithful witness, first begotten  of the dead
Prince of the kings of the earth
Who loved and washed us from our sins in his own bloodshed

He cometh with the clouds
Every eye shall see him
Even those who pierced his skin
All the kindreds of the earth shall wail before him aloud

The Alpha and Omega
Beginning and end
He came to terminate the life's long saga
The saviour the father sent

Revealed to John in Patmos
A companion in tribulation
For the word of God, for us
And for the testimony of Jesus Christ plus salvation
Heard a great voice
As that of a trumpet
I am Alpha and omega,he resounds
The first and last of the testaments

Message to the seven churches
Asia, thyatira,smyrna
Ephesus, leaodiceax
Pergamos and Philadelphia

Turned to see the voice that spake
Saw the seven golden candlesticks sparkle
One like unto the son of man
Clothed in a garment and girt with a golden girdle
Hair and head white as wool
As white as snow would
Eyes as a flame of fire
Feet like fine brass, it glared

Seven stars at his right hand
Out of his mouth, a sharp two edged sword hangs
His voice as sounds of many waters in effect
And his countenance was at the sun shone in strength

I fell at his feet half-dead
He said 'Fear not'
I am he that liveth,and was said Dead
Behold, i have the keys of hell and death

Write this things
Which thou hast seen and would see
The seven candlesticks as the seven churches be
And the seven stars as the angels of the seven churches predominantly

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