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Definition of Love

The best definition of love is penned from its contest of passion and selfless sacrifices. Find out what the definition of love entails in the poem below.
Definition of love
Permit the words i write upon this page
To remain truthful, hammered into stone
Love's philosophy mounts my heart's stage
But it has a doubtful definition of its own

With misery the road is so replete
That even earnest pilgrims lose their way
The mournful cry of hope's unjust defeat
Laments the step of those who've gone astray

For the night dreads purpose flees before love
With raining passion from above
But its only a disguise to find a clone
Tho, fools choose to walk alone

Love is not a word
It is a meaning
It overcomes the flood
Always harder than it is seeming

It's ignited when the hearts wandered the waves
The eyes bear witness to this beautiful parade

At a touch of love
Everyone becomes a poet
Let the world revolve
Come lets do a duet

The game of Love is hard to play
Till your words burns and crashes
We are the Creator's clay 
Let's use the muds to make the patches

Love is a promise 
love is a souvenir 
One given never forgotten 
never let it disappear
Laughter everyday
Optimism to triumph
Value that keeps quality at Bay
With eternity forever in Zion

Love is risking your life to save them
Giving your last garment even if you're left with an hem
It's never holding back
With pained sacrifices despite the lack

Love sorts beauty in flaws
sees only perfect imperfections
it find joy in breaking laws
on its soft cushion of undisposed affection

Love is giving someone the power
to destroy you and trusting them not to........
Love, it'll catch a grenade
or put it head in front of a train
be cut with the edge of a blade
Give you an umbrella and stay in the rain

It is a word used by many
understood by few
thousands are learning 
Some experienced, others new

In life's great book of continuous age lets soar in love in each golden page its an artifice of sacrifice 
It desires,it inspires

I say love is,
priceless, selfless and helpless 
deep and weak ,shallow and meek
Cupid and stupid, it pours out affection in devotion
It kills the pain - Clouds the rain
Intrigues the flame -  Burns the blames
Guilded by amourness - Guided by devotedness
It adores the ardour

Love will always have
its peaks and valleys
you will discover
some is magic some is tragic

love is a customised art
let his feathers of love encompass 
let the feelings grow like grass 
how can one live with no artist?

The illusion stares at you
Give wings to your mind,
And flight to your imagination
Look out of your window and find..........love
Let's love shadow your weary minds
And no stop till you'll find
the one that takes your breath, oops 
and makes your world stop.

Thank you for reading
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1 comment:

  1. Most times I sit and wonder how you get your words... Like you're in someone's heart... It's touching though... Keep it up ..


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