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Women woods

In marriage, women are subdued and subjected to what the society sees as right. They protect their families in endurance and silence. The men on the other hand take advantage of them with their masculine privileges. Read the poem below!

Women woods
Her hair falls 

stretches its open splendor on her neck 

As matrimony calls 

adorned with faithfulness, bride price paid

society conceded theory 

states laws that defiles groom vows

 the head of the house can own a rat and sneak mouses in

the other gender should fast and pray

 she is a stitch that binds her household 

designed to endure pain 

persevere the hurdles bliss as it wax cold

blamed for everything

 her freedom despised by the community 

they do not care to check her bruises

 if she leaves her image is ruined

she sits at the kitchen door 

watches the baby till dawn

Bound in submission, can not spill a word at the elders' table 

or take a vacay job

 suffocated in marital prison 

her feelings does not matter 

'another lady would replace you', says his mother 

compared at the slightest with his former

 shut behind homely bars 

her children, her light

mouth wrapped with masculine tape
 while the head does whatever he likes

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