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The. Poem below is a prayer to the creator that coveres the reality of kingdom advancement. Read the poem below.
I want to say prayer

but it's engrafted in diverse layers

I want to stay in your will

I want to be consumed by your zeal not just a temporary feel

I want to do your work

the work called the father's business 

where we go a menfishing

I want to be bold to talk 

the talk that brings freedom to several souls lost

long-suffering, sacrifices, death to sins is the means to living in the spirit

please help me Lord and rid me of the crisis ahead of me

Your word says, 'if we ask we shall recieve'

give me the grace to finish my task

 help me not to be deceived

don't hide your face from me

help me find your grace and never stay far from me

bless me  

make me an ambassador for your kingdom sake

Thank you for reading
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