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Politics today is a dirty game. It's a political wire that can either liberate or put in bondage those subject to its leadership. We therefore need to be able to vote in the right leaders and hope that the right people are elected. Democracy , the pillars of democracy and the features of democracy should be free of corruption so as to enhance its meaning and effectiveness.
Read the poem below to see how the cankerworm of corruption has eaten deep into the political sector.
blind folded with the scarf of corruption
bounded with the chains of greed and desperation
As oceans kiss the sky
It is far from a democratic blast

Puppets of bad choices
Governed with compromised votes for immediate pleasures
Blinding mist pours in the atmosphere
Decaying hearts as sharp as spears

Humanity troubled at injustice's hikes
Made after an evil conscience lurking with vengeance
Repetitive crassness and supercilious menace hits the society

Paused by utter bitterness for humanity
Bottled with haughtiness and great misfortune
Depicting unruly ambience and tough rational possibility

'Politics' an intended hope 
Haphazard governance scope
For oneness and unfeigned development
Is unfortunately a weapon of the devil's experiment

Thank you for reading 
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