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TABERAH- the consuming fire

In God's glory, He is a consuming fire According to Hebrews 12:29. It burns up anything unholy. These fire is not physical and cannot be quenched by a fire station. Our God is an all consuming fire, he consumes anything that comes in his way

Taberah-the consuming fire
it's the era
where souls burn with fire
potentials bursts out even higher

the river that flows from my fountain within
presence that can't withhold filth
drunk in the cloud of witnesses
as we call fire from the corridors of eternity

temperature so hot, vapors from our loins
we speak mysteries 
as we edify ourselves
till you come down to us

zeal consumes me
passion encapsulates my being
deeper deeper to a depth I can't escape
groaning that overtake my consciousness scale

chanting and scaling heights as eagles
I hope you understand what I meant
a new realm were possibilities are birthed

Thank you
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