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The journey of flower

Life's course is not a rosy one, in order to enjoy the journey and come out with complete victory one must be ready to face it's tides with resilience and grit.

The journey buffets with hardship, just like a flower, if it must blossom it has to be buried in the ground and go through the decaying process, if it gives up in that stage or doesn't muster enough courage and have sufficient energy within, it may never sprout. 
The journey is the destination therefore we must equip ourselves with all it takes to ensure we fight till the end.
Embrace the journey and ensure you break off the limits.

Below is a poem that explains the flower's journey.

The journey of flower

The solitude of a dying seed
Buried below the ground
In warm coating of moist sand
Fate of a decaying compromise

Bursting out of a new season
Death begets life
As the young seedling is revived
Slow and steady ascension

Hands reaches out for sunshine
A painful adaptation offshoots
Struggling through darkness's roots
Breaks out from the soil's confines

Food for the journey
Nature, an assisting ally
Sowing and reaping
Till it blooms


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