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Starting with me

We often find ourselves pleasing others and putting others first. This act is not worth it, you are the prize so put yourself first before every other person. Start prioritizing yourself today. Read the poem below.
Starting with Me
Affording to pause me
To heal your dreams
Paying much to neglect my needs
Just to make your life a real deal

Giving my last hem to sow your garment 
When I have nothing left
Cast my dreams down 
To bring your visions out to the limelight first

The definition of staying in the back seat so you could drive
Might stay in the darkness so you could stay in the stage light
Walking out of my destiny
To serve you and fight
For what you claim to be right
I suspended my feelings so yours could be realized

Iron sharpens iron but why is mine so blunt?
Why would I cause a fire and not burn myself?

it is time I say no and embrace mine
I choose to stay in the calling in which I'm called 
stay patient in the process my destiny placed at my beck and call
take the keys and unlock all the cords tied on people souls and minds.  
Stepping out to what I was called to be 
and what is mine
I am starting with me
I hope you would be fine

Thank you for reading!
Drop comments!


  1. Have seen poems before now... But yours, is too mind blowing.. Am xoxo wowed, in that, you have a way with words that TOUCHES the DEPTH of the SOUL..You surely have it.. This Greatness that comes with writing...

  2. I felt, a sort of awakening within me, after reading this... I must say.... You're the GREATEST POET I KNOW.. HOPING YOU BECOME A WRITER ALSO, SO I CAN START BUYING YOUR BOOKS. #Kudos 👏..

  3. When you write, you write to the soul.. love it


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